“My dear,
Let me tell you a story.
A story
About you.”
A work-in-progress version of Adore is due to be performed at Theatre Deli London as part of their Shift+Space programme 18th-19th October 2024.
This is a story about love: about how one person experiences it; how they grow from it; and how we can all find a way to embrace it.
From the hearts and minds of Beardance and writer/performer Rory Francis, Adore is a show for anyone who has ever been in love. Navigating the course of a romantic relationship from the dizzying highs to the devastating lows and everything in between, this lyrical, poetic new storytelling experience uses the personal to explore the universal: discussing how we can better love each other as well as ourselves.
Writer/Performer: Rory Francis
Designer: Mim Houghton
Music: Elliot Lampitt
A special thanks to Nicholas Armfield, Ella Cumber, Harry Harrington, Rebecca Hesketh-Smith, Catherine Lawler, Phoebe Marshall, Mwansa Phiri, Cara Vaitilingam and Hannah Wade for all their contributions in developing the previous iterations of this project.
Rory would like to thank Charlotte Blandford, Steven Roffe and Maria-Lee Roffe for their help while rehearsing, and the work of bell hooks for continuing to inspire him.
This piece is dedicated to ‘you’ - wherever you are now.